The Rehearsal Dinner

We all know there’s lots of weddings in June. This month my college roommate was getting married and I hadn’t seen her in a few years but she asked me to be her bridesmaid. I’d not yet met the man she was marrying. I am kind of ashamed at what happened. I met him and liked him, a little too much. After the rehearsal dinner we ended up fucking in my hotel room. She had a bit too much to drink and went home early to get a good night’s sleep before the wedding. He made his way to my room and it was explosively hot sex from the time the door was closed.

His cock was large and hard as a rock the entire time. I wasted no time in sucking it or letting him fuck me. He said it was his last hurrah before walking down the aisle, but I doubt a hot stud like him will be able to remain faithful. He attracts women to an incredible degree. He’s fantastic in bed, and made me cum several times during our couple of hour fuckfest we had. I can only hope none of the other guests that are at the same hotel for the wedding saw him enter or exit my room.

It’s a good thing I live out of town, since if I was closer I’d want him fucking me on the regular, not a doubt. He pushed me against the door and fucked me before we even made our way to the bed, and we fucked in every position there was once there. I was going to be tired the next day after the workout he gave me, but the hot sex was worth it. I will not regret the hot night we had together. I’m glad I came back for the wedding.

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Raise Your Arms!

Some callers call so many different women at so many different companies, they cannot keep them straight. Many of them have no clue they’ve talked to us before, and we remember them, especially if they are weird. One such caller made his way back around to me a few nights ago. It wasn’t his voice I recalled, but his question: What do you smell like? As soon as he said it, I asked for his first name and I’d remembered it and expected there was a ninety nine percent chance he’d give me the name I recalled, and he didn’t let me down. It was him.

Not all guys into smells are into underarms, but this one was a definite fan of them. He wanted to taste, he wanted to smell, for a moment I wondered if he might be blind. Since ones into smells often can be compensating for a lost sense of something else, but no mention of blindness, just a very curious nose and tongue. Also a different username than he’d been using on another site. If only they knew how distinctive they can be with their catch phrases! He was talking about not only licking underarms, but breasts, skin all over the body. Each nook and cranny with its own distinct smells to discover.

Most of the call was about licking skin and smelling various body parts. He was pretty demanding all around, people like what they like. One caller loves the cheesy, dirty foot smells. His words exactly. Cheesy feet, unwashed, toe jam, yummy, yummy to him. Harmless, but gross to most people. I guess if smells is the worst thing you’re into you’re not too much of a pervert, but not all women are going to be willing to indulge you in real life to smell them and lick them.

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The Business Trip Cuckold

The topic of cuckolding is always popular on phone sex calls, though there are many different branches on the cuckold tree. Some like to watch, others just listen, some want to participate and fluff the men up and clean the lady up afterwards. One caller recently was sharing how his wife goes away on frequent business trips, usually twice a month, but only for one or two nights, and not terribly far from home. He said he knows she’s fucking other men when she goes out of town, since she told him she was and he told her it was ok. He said his dick is a bit smaller than average, and he knows her needs exceed what he’s able to provide her sexually.

He said sometimes when she’s away she takes pics of what she and the other man are doing, or even gives him a live feed of it by turning her cam on and he can watch in real time as it’s unfolding. He said she’s even handed her phone to the man she’s fucking and had him take POV shots of her sucking the man’s dick and then sending it to her husband. He has a folder of pics of his wife with other men’s cocks in her mouth and he looks at them when he masturbates and she’s out of town. He knows she’s fucking one every night she’s gone.

She tells him all about the gory details when she gets home, who she fucked, what they did, how much she enjoyed it. He’s many times going down on her as she’s relating her tales of debauchery she lived out while out of town. He gets incredibly hard thinking of his wife fucking these strange men and then getting pictures sent to him. He said he’d even be ok if she wanted to do this in their own city, but it would need to be in a hotel, since they have kids and can’t host such a get together at home. He might be able to go to the hotel and watch if they got a babysitter he said, he’s got it all planned out in case it’s a possibility.

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Finalizing the Sale

Years ago I used to work as a sales clerk in an upscale men’s shop. The commissions could be pretty great, and the men were mostly well off that were there buying, since it was a pricier store. This man came in and had picked out several expensive suits and I was helping him pick out shirts and ties to complete them. Then he started saying it was too much, he shouldn’t spend more that month. I really needed the sale to pay some bills that were coming up. I asked him if there was anything I could do to finalize the sale.

He said he was horny, so I said I’d give him a hand job. He said that would be fine. I got him undressed and started to stroke his already hard cock. It was going to be a great sale for me, so I really wanted to give him a great orgasm. I moved my hand teasingly up and down that hard shaft and spit in my hand to make it extra slick. He leaned back against the dressing room wall and looked at our reflection in the mirror as I stroked him. He wasn’t a bad looking man, so I didn’t mind too terribly.

I rubbed his balls and could feel them tightening up as he grew more and more aroused by my hand job. He moaned a bit, but wanted to keep quiet since other customers might hear us and I sure didn’t want to be found out and maybe get fired. I sped up my tugging on his cock and he bit his lip as his orgasm approached and I soon had a handful of his cum. I left him to get dressed and I went to wash my hands. We then met at the counter and I rung up my largest sale of the month. It had certainly been worth it, and no one seemed the wiser.

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Rummaging Through the Laundry

There’s more guys out there than you might think that are into satin. Lingerie is a big fetish, but some are exclusively drawn to the cool, slipperiness of satin. Last night I had a caller that said he’d been rummaging through things he shouldn’t have. He said he’s roommates with his sister. They share a condo together and when she goes out, he goes through the laundry hamper and takes out her dirty panties and masturbates with them. He said he’s done it since his teens, and part of the reason he agreed to be her roommate is so he’d still have access to her dirty underthings. She knows nothing about what he does when she goes out and sometimes even when she sleeps.

She wears a lot of high end satin and lace lingerie. He said her boyfriend is pretty well off and buys her lots of fancy clothes and lingerie, so he also gets to enjoy it, but of course they don’t know he does things to it. He likes when he gets the items fresh off of her before she turns in to go to bed, practically still warm from her body. He said he knows when’s she’s been out with him, since sometimes the crotches still have a bit of leaked sperm in them from coming home after her dates with him.

I think if the caller every gets married, he’s likely to be a cuckold, there’s a good chance of it from the behaviors he’s described to me, in any case. Last month he said he put a pair of her worn panties on and wore them under his clothes and she had no clue about it. He likes when she has her boyfriend over and he can hear them fuck on the other side of his wall and he will jerk off and listen to them. No woman of his own of course, he’s kind of a sad case, but hey, he takes his jollies where he can find them.

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