He Watched Her

There’s no shortage of men who like to spy and watch others while they have no idea they are being watched. Callers admit this all the time, that they are watching or following women they like and spying on them. Sometimes it’s easy, if the women are roommates. They are literally in the same house or apartment, so it’s very easy for them, other times it’s an ex they are still hung up on and obsessed with some new guy she’s dating they are jealous of. One man that has a thing for his roommate, her room is right next to his and he said he listens to her masturbate and spies on her when she’s in the shower.

He sounds like a creep to be honest, but many callers are creepy, it’s just part of the job. So this woman he spies on has no clue he’s watching her in the shower daily. The bathroom door has a faulty door knob and won’t quite catch, so it’s always open around an inch, even when it’s pretty much closed, so he stands there when she gets in the shower and looks in that inch door gap and watches in the mirror the reflection of her in there and beats off.

It’s his daily thing and she has no idea he’s doing it. I worry about her sleeping and him maybe going in and crawling in next to her if he can’t control himself, but he said he’d never do that, he just likes to watch her and gets aroused by it. He listens, he watches, he’s also volunteered to do the laundry and I’m sure you can guess what he does with her worn panties before he washes them and returns them. He sniffs and licks them and rubs them on his cock. Maybe one day she’ll catch on to his antics.

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Down a Dark Alley

Sometimes you will share things with clients and it will give them an idea for a fantasy. One caller that’s into reluctance, ok, rape, not brutal but definitely non consensual, he wrote a story when I told him about something that happened to me recently. I’d come out of the theater at night after a show and was unable to get a cab, so decided just to walk home, even though it perhaps wasn’t the safest thing to do. I had to walk through this alley and it wasn’t that well lit. There could have been someone waiting in the shadows looking to grab some unsuspecting lady such as myself that was foolish enough to go through there after dark. I got home fine without anything happening, but the caller created a fantasy of what could have happened.

He liked the idea of a woman walking alone at night in an alley, taking an ill timed shortcut to where she was going, only in her case, she wasn’t as lucky as I was. He wanted to image her being grabbed from a dark door well and pulled into the shadows. A hand over her mouth and another making it’s way up under her skirt. Ripping her panties down, forcing her legs apart. She too terrified to scream or move or fight back in case he had a weapon. So he rapes her there in the darkened door well standing up.

His hard cock penetrating her, his grunts against her neck, no one to see. His hand covering her mouth to muffle any screams that might come out. He fucks and thrusts into this stranger that happened right on by and into his path, just waiting to pull her in. He cums quickly, she can feel the cum running down her legs, he dashes off and she collapses, having an orgasm from a stranger she never even saw the face of. Crying, bewildered, yet in the throes of a violent orgasm she never expected. Some indeed do have dark fantasies.

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Toenail Clippings as Snacks

To say we ladies hear things the average person would not is an understatement. Years ago a caller asked to buy my toenail clippings and foot skin shavings. I thought he was weird as hell and foolish me, I thought no one would ever say such a thing to me again, it was so weird it had to be a one time thing, right? Nope. Fast forward around eight or so years and another totally different man asks if I’d sell him my toenail clippings. For some reason he picked the amount of $150 as what he’d like to purchase them for.

Now what someone would do with the toenail clippings of another person, you hazard to venture a guess. He came right out though and said he wanted to eat them. Not only that, but claimed to have bought them from three other ladies and eaten theirs as a sign of devotion. I was beyond horrified, but if you’re in this business long enough, not much surprises you anymore. This particular guy that asked for them is very submissive, a nearly thirty year old virgin and masturbates on the floor since he says he only deserves to be on the floor.

I can just imagine him opening his mail excited to find some toenail clippings of some strange woman inside and him going in and eating them. I can only imagine the damage they could do to your insides. The things people reveal are just bizarre. Things they’d never have the nerve to look a psychiatrist in the face and tell them but they are fine with saying these things over the phone to strangers, even when we know their real names and addresses. Oh well, there’s plenty of odd people out there, I guess it’s the odder ones that keep we ladies in business, but the stories are just incredibly strange at times.

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Darkroom Fuck

Years ago I took a couple of photography courses and really liked the instructor. He sensed that I was a bit more serious than the other students and he spent extra time with me after the classes. He started to sense I was attracted to him, and he let me know he was as well. One night after the others had left we went back into the darkroom and he turned that red light on and it gave everything this odd glow to it. We soon started kissing and I was soon naked right there in the college darkroom after the night class.

His hands wandered over my body, exploring me. He was nearly double my age, but very handsome and I knew we were going to fuck right then and there. His cock was larger than I’d thought it would be for some reason and I soon had it slipping into my wet pussy from behind. He grabbed my breasts and squeezed them in his hands as we bucked back and forth with one another. I started to finger my own clit as he pumped into me and I soon came on his dick that was inside of me. That triggered him to shoot in me and I felt him squirting in my pussy.

The red light gave an odd effect to our little rendezvous, but no one would ever know what the two of us had done in that darkroom after class. The class was nearly over and I wasn’t sure of after it was done if we’d ever see one another again, but it was one hot memory I knew I’d cherish for a lifetime, even if was just a one time thing. He was married and I had a boyfriend, but some attractions just need to be acted upon.

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Business Trip Shenanigans

I was on a business trip in California recently and one of the other people at the convention I met was this very sexy married man. We both worked for the same company, but there were offices in different states. I’d never met this man before, and I was attracted to him instantly. We were both there for a week and soon took our meals together and soon fell into bed together. I didn’t feel in the slightest bit guilty even though I have a boyfriend at home and he had a wife. It just felt right and no one would ever know about it, so why not have some fun?

He told me the first night we were together that his greatest love was licking pussy, and I was glad to hear it. I certainly love a man that knows what he’s doing in that department, and boy, did he ever know what he was doing! I think I had my pussy licked twice a day every day we were at the convention. He said his wife won’t allow him to do it, she’s got hang-ups. I had no such hang-ups, and he was welcome to lick me to his hearts content, and he did.

He also was a pretty good fucker, he had a large cock and he liked to try many different positions. I could barely concentrate on the workshops I had to attend, since every spare moment was spent in bed with this man! It was incredible. I was exhausted, but so satisfied. I think lots of people that go away on business trips and have the opportunity to have some fun on the side do so. There’s very little chance of anyone finding out, and so many happy memories to be had when you find attractive and skillful lovers.

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