Liberal Humiliation

One type of caller I’ve been getting more and more recently is Liberal men wanting to be humiliated for being weak, beta males. As a very conservative woman, these types of calls are very humorous for me. They know they are weak and should be made to serve the alpha males that are real men, conservatives. They often want to be made to suck their cocks and bow down to them. I have on my page I am a right wing conservative and it attracts them and they know they’ve finally found a real woman that can berate them for the worms that they are.

Some will cry about them not being a real man, that they are pussy whipped losers that have bought into all the propaganda. It’s quite comical really. They whimper and sob about no decent women wanting them, only blue haired feminists that control them like puppets on a string and that call all the shots in their relationships. Oh well, that’s what you went after, what exactly do you expect? Raised in fatherless homes by exasperated single mothers that didn’t have time to teach them how to be a real man, it’s really no surprise this is the end result for them.

A Liberal male, that marches for ridiculous and even harmful causes, ones that don’t know how to provide, ones that are dangerously out of shape, making a poor living in many cases. What woman of value would want them? Not many, they have little to offer, so they sit at home tugging on their inadequate dicks, watching porn in their mom’s basement lamenting that no woman wants them. It’s laughably pathetic. Humiliating these losers is so easy, it’s like taking candy from a baby. Do up your man bun, plan on that next tattoo, plan your next march for your worthless cause. The real men will be out at the gym, having their choice of females, and planning their next business acquisition.

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Masturbating at the Airport

I had a funny call the other night and this man said he liked to be asked questions about his sexual past. One question that is always a good conversation starter is where is the strangest place you’ve ever masturbated? So he told me once he was stuck overnight at an airport after a cancelled flight. He was feeling horny, the restrooms were too busy for privacy. So he went into an airport shop and bought a box of condoms. He went into the bathroom and put one on under his clothes and then looked for a secluded location.

He said one whole area was dark and no one was anywhere around. This was also decades ago when there were not security cameras everywhere you turned. So he laid on the floor. He had a large overcoat on and faced the wall on his side. He reached down and started to jack off through his pants, not even reaching in and he said he was able to just move his hand, not his arm. So his arm wasn’t obviously pumping and jacking himself off. He said he was able to cum this way and not make a mess in his clothes laying on the floor of the darkened terminal.

Not exactly the most romantic setting, but he said it made more sense than a bathroom with people coming and going constantly. To do this in today’s world with cameras everywhere and security guards regularly patrolling would just be asking for real trouble and charges of public indecency and likely getting put on a sex offender list. Decades ago though, it was a different, more private type of world the young people of today would never even be able to imagine. So jacking off under a coat, but over your clothes into a condom laying on an airport floor. I have to say, this is one of the more unique answers I’ve ever gotten to that question.

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Are You Lonely?

It’s always a nice break when a guy calls mostly for non sexual conversation. Many will talk for a long time, and then maybe finish the call with a bit of naughty talk. Hey, an hour call with the last five or ten minutes with naughty talk is a wonderful thing. Some are shy, single, not good with women in their real lives or have any experience at all. One the other night called, he had been with women several times, he wasn’t inexperienced, but none had wanted to call themselves a girlfriend to him. He said they were just friends with benefits situations. He wanted a girlfriend, someone to love and to love him back. Not a lot to ask for. Though apparently hard to find.

Today’s world of people being glued to their phones and not having normal human interactions like we’ve had for thousands of years other than the last couple of decades is just harder. I’m so glad I was born and raised and out of high school before the internet and cell phones were even around. Ones today that are younger, cannot even imagine such times. People do not have the same sorts of socialization, things today are so solitary in comparison to how they used to be, it’s no wonder they find it hard to get into a relationship.

Some callers just want to hear a woman’s voice, it doesn’t even have to be sexual. Many might work in jobs where they are mostly surrounded by other men, so even just talking to women is not an everyday thing for some of them. Paying to talk to a woman, sexual or not, might be their only option, and some are more than happy to do so. They just want to tell someone about themselves, and maybe feel a bit good at the end of the call and have you help them masturbate. Some are happy just with moans, since it’s been a long while since they heard a woman make those sorts of noises in person.

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Cucked By Dad

Some calls are downright hilarious. Last night this Indian man called and said he had a small penis. Not unusual so far. Then he said his wife no longer fucked him, but she was having an affair with his did and his father came over to their house to fuck her and he could regularly hear her moaning with pleasure, since his dad’s cock was so large. How he had seen his dad’s cock and known its size, I didn’t question, as I bit my lip from laughter. Then he began to cry and I began to laugh. He said it hurt him so much, knowing his wife was carrying on with his father, but considering his dad was double the size of him, he kind of understood.

Then I said maybe she will become pregnant with your father’s baby, your own half brother. He practically started howling with tears at the idea and my laughter was increasing by the comment. He wanted me to moan like his wife does behind closed doors with his father, which I was only too happy to do. Each moan produced begging for his father to pull out of his wife’s cunt before he’d shoot his load and surely get her pregnant.

I said you were going to have to raise your father’s baby, since he was more of a man that you are. It was beyond hysterical. His alternating getting excited by and horrified by the situation he claimed was playing out in his pitiful life. I asked about his mother, of course she was clueless about her husband carrying on with her son’s wife. “Pleeassse, tell dad to pull out before he gets her pregnant!” “No, he’s going to shoot it, fill her up with cum and make her pregnant with your new little half brother!” Oh this went on for a while, him crying, me laughing. The foolish fantasies that some entertain.

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For His Daughters Entertainment

One of my favorite callers always comes up with fun and unusual scenarios for our calls. He was imagining his two daughters taking his credit card and going out for the night to a male strip club, and then they come home and tell him all about what they were up to. Mom didn’t feel like joining them, so she just stayed home and called in a male escort for herself, so dad could watch them go at it. He does enjoy family fun of all sorts! I asked him if he recalled The Chippendales dancers from the eighties, and he said yes, of course. So we pretended that’s where the daughters went.

They would be playing that night at a club and would be going to see them on daddy’s dime. They’d be stuffing tips in their G-strings and maybe even taking them into a back room for a lapdance. Imagine those men in their bow ties, cuffs, black satin pants with their bulge grinding on your daughters as they squealed with delight at such debauchery, all the while having daddy pay for it. Don’t feel too badly for daddy missing out on it though, he’s sitting at home watching wifey get fucked by a hung, male escort that has a much bigger dick than daddy does!

So the girls get home, just giggling up a storm, hardly being able to wait to tell daddy what they’ve been up to, but mommy isn’t quite through with the escort just yet. She’s still on her hands and knees on the floor getting ploughed from behind as daddy strokes his own cock watching as she’s getting fucked. The daughters go over to daddy to suck him off as he watches his wife get fucked by the male escort. Just as the escort blows his load into wifey, daddy blows the load down the throat of one of his daughters. So much family fun had by all.

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