She Got it in an Elevator

A friend of mine was telling me about an experience she had years ago that has always troubled her. She hesitated to call it a rape, but that’s pretty much what it was. She and a man were in an elevator in her office building and the power cut out for a while, trapping them in the dark. The maintenance crew were right on it, they told them it would be around an hour until it was fixed. This man in the elevator grabbed her and had sex with her. She didn’t call it rape though since he made her cum, and she figured if she had an orgasm, no one would say he forced himself on her, so she never said a word to anyone about it other than me.

She never saw this man again, she thinks he had an appointment with someone that worked in the building, that he didn’t work there himself. She said as soon as the lights went out, she felt his hands on her breasts and under her skirt, pulling her panties down. She was afraid he’d hurt her, so she didn’t fight back. She was bent over and felt this cock inside of her, stretching her terribly. She couldn’t see it but knew it was big from the stretching.

He groped her breasts and fucked her from behind, not talking, just grunting and breathing hard. She didn’t speak either and when he finished the lights came on minutes after, she pulled her skirt down and he left the elevator never to be seen again. She was mortified she’d had an orgasm. She thought she was a terrible slut for cumming with some stranger and she was filled with shame. She wasn’t injured, just humiliated. Yet she admitted she’d thought of that incident many times as she masturbated over the years.

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My Son’s Huge Cock

When a mother catches her son masturbating, sometimes she can’t stop thinking about it. The size of it, how much she wants it. One caller said his mom used to catch him a lot, so much that he was sure she planned for it to happen just so she could get a look at his huge cock. He said he knows she wanted it for herself. At least in his mind that’s what she wanted! He said her desire for his cock got so bad, she had to go to a therapist to talk about her unnatural desire for her own son.

The therapist reassured her this was quite normal, that a mother sees her own son masturbating with an overly large cock and she becomes fixated on it and cannot let it go. Her masturbation becomes about thinking what it would be like to get fucked by it. Her sex with her husband becomes fantasizing it’s actually her own son fucking her with that huge cock. Obviously the caller had quite the active fantasy life to believe such things, but hey, it’s their dime if they want to go on about such things.

He said one night the urge became too strong for her, and she went into his room and offered her help in jerking him off. Of course he said he’d take her up on it and he claimed she then started jerking him off nightly before bed, then sucking him, then fucking him. Yeah, sure she did…His cock was just too darned monstrous for her to be able to pass up. She even had the male therapist telling her it was almost normal to become obsessed with your own son’s cock. The ego and outlandish fantasies some of these men have, it’s truly a thing of wonder.

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I Watched Him Shoot

When I was growing up I had a bad habit of spying on people. Especially when they were doing things I should not have been looking at in the first place. I was always a curious kid. I used to spy on my brother that was a few years older than me and on many occasions I spied on him as he masturbated. I was most intrigued by when he’d ejaculate and cum would shoot out of his cock. This was decades before the internet and even before VCR’s and home porn watching. Back in those days, you just had to be lucky and come across something you knew you weren’t supposed to be seeing and feel lucky you were in the right place at the right time.

Our parents worked, so we usually had a few hours at home before they got home and we were left to our own devices. I learned jerking off when he got home was one of his favorite things to do. I usually was parked in front of the t.v. watching reruns, so he’d hear the sound of the t.v. and not be worried about me, but many times, I’d go to his door and look through the keyhole and see him jerking what looked like such a large cock.

Many times in bed I’d think about what I’d seen and touch myself. I never got caught by him, he seemed pretty absorbed in what he was doing. It was my own naughty little secret that I got to enjoy usually a couple of times a week. Those were the days. Innocent in some ways, yet still naughty in others. As I got older, I used to wonder what his dick would feel like in my pussy, but it never went beyond my spying on him.

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He Watched His Granny Masturbate

Many times young men will have an experience they look back on even decades later when they masturbate. A caller the other night said when he was younger he used to stay at his grandma’s house frequently when his parents would go away. One thing his granny didn’t know though, was he’d spy on her when she was in the shower. She also apparently quite enjoyed masturbating when she was in the shower with the shower massager on the hose. He didn’t know what she was doing at first, since he was so young, but he soon figured out why she left the water flow there a lot longer than required to rinse the soap off.

He said he got his first boner spying on her masturbating like this and he would spy every chance he got. He never saw his mom like this, but granny didn’t shut the door all way when she showered he said. So he’d hear her get in and if his grandfather wasn’t around, he’d go and see what he could see from the crack in the door. Many times he said as soon as she’d turn the water off, he’d run back to his room and jerk off thinking about what he’d seen.

He really got turned on thinking about watching her. He asked if I ever masturbated that way, and I said once in a while I do. He said he could hear his grandparents fuck sometimes at night through the door and it would make him hard hearing the sounds they made. He was glad they still got it on at their age. That he never saw, but he certainly listened many times when they thought he’d already gone to bed and he’d be jerking off outside their door and they had no idea. They thought he was fast asleep, not being a little pervert right outside their door.

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His First Masturbation Experience

Many not involved in the phone sex world will ask what a typical call is like. There’s not really a “typical” call, they are all different in their own way, though many are similar, or similar types of calls. One just called claiming he’d never called before, so he “wanted to see what it was like.” Fair enough, we all try something new sometimes. However he was an idiot, and told I him so, but he liked me anyway and stayed on. I asked how big his cock was, a typical question you know you’ll usually get a totally fake answer to, and he says “really big.” I said what’s ‘really big?’ He says five inches, I laugh and say that’s smaller than average. So then he says, no it’s really big, he didn’t mean five inches, he meant ten inches, lol.

Then I asked him how long since he last masturbated? Never. He’s never done it before. Not once in his entire life. I laughed again and called him a liar, and he laughs and said no really, it’s the truth, he’s just always been lucky, he’s always had someone to rub it for him, so the idea never occurred to him. Isn’t that wonderful he’s always had someone his entire life that could service him? If only we all were that lucky!

I said so did mom rub it when you were young and horny for the first time? No, of course not, he said. I said well then, congratulations, I am happy to be the one to initiate you into masturbation after an entire lifetime of never once trying it. It was the most ridiculous conversation you could imagine, which in this business isn’t easy. There’s plenty of absurd conversations on a daily basis. Incredible he got the hang of it so quickly and was able to experience his very first masturbation induced climax!

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