Racial Humiliation for Indians

When you hear about racial humiliation, you would assume most callers are black, and they are. There are ones of other races that also call for humiliation though. Some from India like to be called and insulted as well. It’s actually getting harder for some to find ladies willing to do racial humiliation phone sex, since most working in the adult entertainment industry are left wing and woke, and they just think it’s too mean to call someone names. Well luckily not everyone in the business is left wing, and some of us are more than willing to insult someone if they are seeking and asking for it.

The Indian man that called last night for some racial humiliation said he’s actually married to a white woman, but she’s hardly giving him any sex anymore. Well that’s a common issue no matter what color the couple is. He fantasies about white ladies only, and he knows many aren’t interested since he’s Indian. Then he said maybe if he offered them money, and I said not all women are whores that are going to have sex for money. Some men think all women have their price. He loved when I called him names and made fun of his smaller dick, as Indian men as a rule have smaller cocks than white men do.

Many loved to be talked down to by a white woman they know is unattainable for themselves. They love to revel in their feelings of inferiority and grovel at the feet of white women. In fact, many of the racial humiliation callers do also seem to have a foot fetish, and fantasize about worshiping the feet and toes of their idealized Aryan white Goddess. They speak of licking and sucking their toes, bowing before her and showing their subservience towards her.

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Permanent Genital Removal

What is it that one day makes a man decide he wants to remove his cock and balls? This type of fantasy is more common in phone sex than one might believe. Cock and ball torture is quite common, but obviously there’s a vast difference between just torturing, kicking in the balls or hitting them with a wooden spoon and cutting them off forever. They can be quite humorous and disturbing calls at the same time. Obviously if they followed through with it, that would be the end right there of their phone sex calls about it, and for some, they have been talking about it for many, many years.

Why just talk the talk and not walk the walk? Go for it, if they had hordes of women falling over them and desiring their God like cock, they wouldn’t be talking about removing it. So they are likely weirdo, losers that no woman wants to have such a fantasy in the first place. No woman wants their dick, so why not just get it over with once and for all? Hell, with the social reprogramming nonsense going around that’s so common place today, they could likely get it done for free to “affirm their new selves.”

No, these characters want to do it themselves at home, some kind of DIY project that will take away their devilish desires once and for all. So many are enslaved by their addiction to porn and masturbating so much it feels like a part time job, on some level, they think if their genitals were removed, they could just get on with their lives and be free of their time consuming addiction to it. They should be seeking mental help from a mental health professional, not calling phone sex operators for instructions on how best to cut their dick off.

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Masturbating Men

It goes without saying that most men are masturbating when they call phone sex lines. Lots of callers ONLY have masturbation, no other form of sex. One caller that has no woman and said he’s not looking for one, said most women aren’t worth the effort anymore. They’re either golddiggers, not into sex, or have depression, or some other issue that prevents them from having a normal relationship. He said his last girlfriend was on nearly ten different types of medication for depression and spent over twenty hours a day in bed. He just couldn’t handle it any more.

Another one only wanted to use him to pay for dinners out, weekend getaways and presents for herself. As soon as he suggested staying home as the new norm, she ended it pretty quickly. He said it is always one thing or another, so masturbating is all he gets. He does however miss licking pussy and getting blow jobs, he said oral sex was his very favorite type of sex to have, and no masturbating will replace that, which is understandable. However the callers that are married aren’t getting much if any, sex either. So they might technically “have someone,” but are no further ahead.

No matter our relationship status, masturbation will always be there for us. It never lets us down, it never says no. Our own hand or sex toy is a constant in our lives. The only thing that will let us down is sadly our own body. With age, comes more difficulty achieving orgasm, for many men on certain medications, the ability to get hard or ejaculate, but we can try. We can spend all the time in the world trying to please ourselves as least. Many partners couldn’t care less about our needs. Masturbation, our one, true sex partner.

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Making the Neighbor Drool

When I moved into a new neighborhood, it didn’t take long for me to discover the boy next door was spying on me. He was a geeky Asian boy and I saw him peering out from behind his curtains towards my bedroom window frequently. I was annoyed at first, but then kind of felt sorry for him. I realized porn and masturbation was likely his only sexual outlet, so I decided to toss the boy a bone so to speak. I began to leave my curtains open wide, walk around my room naked a lot and even masturbate with the lights on.

I could see movement around his curtains when I’d glance that way. Of course I couldn’t be too obvious and scare him. I got more bold and so did he. I saw him walk right up to my window as he watched me. I pretended not to notice him, but it was hard not to giggle or wave at him and do something like that. One day I walked in the bedroom naked after getting out of the shower and he was standing right at the window, as if waiting for me. Bold little buggar!

I walked right to the window and pressed my tits against the glass at eye level for him. I thought he’d turn tail and run, but he was so into it. He put his face right to the glass to get the best look. Then I turned around and pressed my ass against the glass for him and he lowered himself to get a better look. What a horny little so and so he was! Oh well, I bet I gave him enough jerk off material for a month after that little display. I know he’ll be back, and I’ll be waiting for him.

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Encounter at the Nude Beach

I’m lounging at a nude beach, when suddenly a stranger catches my eye. He looks eager and ready for some fun. I strip off my skimpy bikini and walk to the ocean’s edge, hoping he’ll follow me. The stranger doesn’t hesitate to join me at the water’s edge, his gaze glued to my naked body. As I wade into the waves, he reaches out and begins to fondle my breasts, his touch firm and insistent. I let out a gasp of pleasure as his fingers tweak and tug at my sensitive nipples. My body is electrified with desire, and I feel a wetness starting to gather between my legs. The stranger picks up on my arousal and reaches down to stroke my ass cheek, his touch light and teasing. I reach out and grasp his hard, throbbing cock.

I pull him out towards the water, my hand never leaving his cock. The waves crash against my thighs as the stranger grips my waist, pulling me close to him. I feel his hard member throbbing between my legs, and I let out a moan as he begins to enter my pussy beneath the waves. The water is cold and refreshing against your skin as he pounds into my cunt, each thrust sending shockwaves of pleasure through my body.

As the waves crash against our naked bodies, the stranger grips my waist tightly and continues to thrust into me, our bodies moving in perfect rhythm. Our moans mingle with the crashing water, echoing across the empty beach. I can feel the orgasm building inside of me, every push bringing me closer and closer to the edge. The stranger grunts and groans in pleasure as he reaches his climax, gripping me tightly as he empties himself inside of my cunt. The two of us rest in the water, catching our breath and enjoying the afterglow. We part and swim a while before running back to shore. I go back to my hotel room, unsure if I’ll see him again, it was a fun afternoon in any case.

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