Talking Can Be Fun


Many might not consider calling a phone sex line for someone to just talk with, but it does happen and they can even be long calls of a few hours. Some people just do not have anyone in their lives and are lacking basic companionship and someone just to talk with. I very much enjoy calls like this, but they are rare. Most are looking to get off and I understand that, but when someone is calling to have an actual conversation and you can talk about many types of different, non sexual topics, it can be a real treat.

Some people are amazed when I tell them some men are calling just for companionship, but the occasional one does. It’s refreshing not to have to describe yet another blow job description! There’s nothing wrong or shameful about being lonely, and there are people out there you can choose to talk to. Sometimes a call like that will turn sexual at the very end, like talk for two hours about non sex things, then ten minutes from the end they decide they want to cum and do masturbate, but most times a just talk call is just that, and no masturbation involved.

Many will say as soon as you answer, this call isn’t about sex, so don’t try to turn me on, and that’s fine. It’s their dime. Not everyone is comfortable going to a psychologist or therapist, but they do lack someone in their lives for a variety of reasons. Either they are shy, socially awkward, all kinds of different reasons why they don’t have friends or ones to talk to, so they are glad someone is out there for them.

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