He Loves Bodybuilders

There’s a caller that’s been calling me and he’s really turned on by male bodybuilders. He’s had me look up several of them by name. They have cartoonish, unreal looking bodies that are pumped full of steroids and look unnatural and very ugly. Yet they turn him on like nothing else. He’s likely some sunken chested weakling that looks up to them like they are real men. He can’t understand how I do not find them attractive. To him, they are the pinnacle of male attractiveness and masculinity. He fantasizes about them having twenty inch cocks for him, which is absurd, since bodybuilders usually have very small cocks.

The steroids shrink them down to the size of a large peanut in many cases. He wants to suck several of them off, having them surrounding him in a circle. He wants t have their cum shot all over his face and him lick it up admiringly. Then of course he wants them to fuck him and use him. He looks at pictures of his favorite ones as he jerks off. As bizarre as this all sounds, he’s not the first caller over the years to mention this type of fantasy about them. Usually a couple of times a year a caller will want to talk about their love of bodybuilders.

They are never into it themselves, they just admire ones that are and can’t understand why everyone doesn’t think them beautiful. When I say they are fake, steroid filled cartoonish looking characters, they for some reason seem to get offended at the very idea they are not one hundred percent natural. But natural bodies simply don’t look like that. Oh well, whatever turns them on. The bodies are grotesque to me and many others, but to some, they are glistening with leaking precum at the very idea of their form.

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The Long Goodbye

There are many humorous things about the world of phone sex. One is callers who are addicted to phone sex. Many can call once in a while and it’s an enjoyable way to masturbate. They take it in stride and it’s an occasional thing. Others have a bit more of a problem with it and struggle to pay the large bills that come from their very frequent and long calls. One of my regular callers called me a few weeks ago and said I wanted my last phone sex call to be with you.

We talk a couple of times a week usually and he wanted me to be his last. He said he just couldn’t afford it anymore, and it was taking up too much of his time. Guess who I heard from a few ours ago? The long goodbye wasn’t so long now, was it. It’s hard not to laugh, honestly. We are grateful to ones like that, since they are our bread and butter. All things in moderation, right? Some have a problem with that moderation though. For guys that do a couple of ten minute calls a month and have no addiction problems, they cannot fathom the ones spending thousands a month, but they’re out there. Lots of them.

We all have our little issues of things we like a bit too much. Sugar, alcohol, gambling. For others, it’s sex, hookers, phone sex. Many will stay on that bandwagon for weeks or months, but most find their way back eventually after swearing it off for the countless time. God bless them, we couldn’t survive without those addicts. But it isn’t hard to make a bit of fun at them as well. Keep stroking, we’ll keep talking you through it on your way to orgasm. We can wait longer than you can.

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Sexy, Happy New Year!

It’s New Year’s Eve again, and another night to wish for the best for the coming year. Most of us likely look back on the passing year and wish we’d had more opportunities for hot sex or love. So many older clients lament opportunities they let pass by when they were younger they now know will never come again. One man that is a caller wasn’t bad looking when he was young, he’s sent me many pics of himself. He aid in his day he had chances with pretty women, but his lack of confidence stopped him from taking them up on their offers. Now, he’s an old man with white hair, out of shape, his youth behind him. He wishes he’d taken those chances.

The new year is a fresh beginning, but many of us fall back into our old habits quickly after making promises to ourselves that we would change for the better. Make it a resolution to take what opportunities cross our path and not regret not taking them down the road. Masturbate more! Pleasure is fleeting in this life, and we might as well take it when we can find it. Simple pleasures like masturbating are within our control.

We might not be able to make that gorgeous girl we want fall into our beds, but we can damned well stroke one out when we have the desire to do so. Life is short, time moves quickly, don’t regret not taking opportunities or chances now down the road. It’s too late then, and I hear it all the time from men trapped in sexless marriages. Many have hopes each New Year’s Eve and then they get lazy and things go back to the same routines. Let’s let 2025 be better, be different, be daring! Strive to have as many orgasms as possible this coming year.

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Panty Thief’s Thanksgiving

One of my callers, well many actually, have quite the panty fetish. One though is quite looking forward to Thanksgiving, since it will give him access to the panties of the hostess. That’s taking a bit of a risk for sure, sneaking into the master bedroom and stealing panties as a party is going on downstairs. The lengths these masturbators will go to! He’s done it before, years ago and wants to try it again. He’s just going to excuse himself to go to the bathroom and while he’s up there, rummage through her panty drawer and take a couple of pair and stuff them in his pockets for later use.

I asked why he wasn’t just going to rub one out during the party with them and then put them back. He said there will be too many people milling around that might catch him, not worth the risk. So he will take them and defile them at his own home at his own leisure later. He said he may or may not wash them and return them when he comes back over Christmas. He hasn’t decided yet if his use of them will be temporary or permanent. Some must have a lot of pairs of panties to not notice two go missing and then mysteriously reappear. You’d think you were going crazy to see things reappear when you knew they weren’t there a few hours ago!

The allure of the silky panties is simply too much for some men to bear, so they take them from places they shouldn’t, rub them all over their cocks and then cum in them. This one caller has quite the preference for Vanity Fair panties, so he’s hoping this Thanksgiving he will find some of that brand in the drawer waiting for him while the hostess is distracted spooning up the cranberry sauce!

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Showing Off

When men call with a flasher fantasy, you never know if they actually expose themselves or if it all is indeed a fantasy. Most claim these incidents are real. Some have comical tales, others lean more towards the dark side of exposing themselves to inappropriate people that should not be seeing such things. Some go so far as to say they actually reach over and spread the cum on the lips of the ones that should not be watching them. One can only hope it is indeed fantasy and not reality what they are talking about doing.

The need to show themselves seems to be very deep. Some prefer a more one on one exposure, others like to whip it out in a grocery store that is full of people with many people that could potentially see them doing this. With all the security cameras around these days, that does not seem wise. It seems libido and sexual depravity indeed outweighs sensible behavior though. They seem to want to show off to the more vulnerable populations that are not as apt to complain or fight back against their perversions. Some are overly bold in their quest to expose themselves. One day they just might do it to the wrong person and get what’s coming to them.

It seems it was a lot easier to be a flasher in the days before security cameras and ones having cell phones with cameras to record everything. I guess it’s just not what it used to be, but then, what is? There’s not too terribly many flashers that call, but a couple a month at least bring it up in some capacity and talk about the times they showed off and what transpired and how they think about it as they jerk off. Just takes some more planning than it used to.

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