Your Cheating Wife

Some callers call for advice, rather than just hot talk to get off to. One caller was mentioning a situation with his wife. She went to a bachelorette party and slept with a stripper when she was drunk. She felt horribly guilty about it and came home crying about it begging his forgiveness. While he wasn’t happy about it, he said he understood and they should put it behind them, but he can’t. He said she feels so guilty, she can’t stop crying about it. He told her it’s ok, things happen, but she won’t stop.

I suggested maybe a weekend away to get her mind off of it, but he called back the next day and said she didn’t seem excited about the idea. I said ask her if it would make her feel any better if he slept with someone else so it made it even. Apparently that made her cry even harder and she said no, of course not. I said just to give it time, let life go on as normal, hopefully she can come to terms with it and put it behind them. He’s worried she won’t be able to do that.

Some people do foolish things, regret them, then can’t let the incident go. Who knows what will happen. He said he’d call in a few weeks and let me know how things are going along. It’s pretty decent of him to forgive and forget such a stupid action in the first place. People call for advice, or to confess things that have happened. They often have no one else they can tell such things to, so they seek out phone sex operators as some kind of counselors at times. It’s odd, but it happens a lot more frequently than one would think it would.

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Couple Masturbation

Sometimes actual sex can be a bit too much of an effort if you’re a bit tired or pressed for time. Some couples still masturbate together and enjoy the sights of themselves enjoying one another. It’s honestly also important to show your partner how you like to be touched. Watching one another pleasure yourselves is an excellent way for that to happen. They can’t read your mind, but literally watching how you like your genitals stimulated gives them a pretty good idea of how you’d like them to stimulate you.

Some ladies like a firm touch on their clitoris, others not. If a guy comes grinding on a lady’s bits hard and she finds it uncomfortable, that’s not a good thing. If he sees her touch herself softly, he’ll know to use the same sort of touch when he’s doing the touching. It can be very sexy to watch one another. Many callers often reveal one of the types of porn they watch the most frequently is ladies masturbating. They like to watch it a lot, especially since many of their real life partners they’ve had would never masturbate in front of them to let them watch. Not all ladies are comfortable with that, especially if they might be overweight and more self conscious of their bodies.

Masturbating together can of course often lead to actual sex between the two of you, but it’s just another option in how to enjoy yourselves sexually. Men tend to masturbate more even if they are in a sexual relationship, since they just have a higher sex drive. Consider asking your partner if they’d like to watch while you do if they aren’t in the mood. Most men though mention they do it in secret, since their women don’t like it that they do at all. It’s odd, yet very frequently heard.

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I Get Lost in Your Eyes

Not too often does a caller mention eye contact during sex specifically, but once in a while one will. Usually during oral sex is when they seem to enjoy it the most. Some might feel a bit uncomfortable with that prolonged eye contact during such a moment, hence why some prefer darkness. That level on intimacy can be a bit much for some people to handle. One man in particular said he loved it when a woman looked deep into his eyes when she had his dick in her mouth and he just adored it when she did. It would be a bit of an odd thing to ask for specifically though.

Gazing lovingly into the eyes of one you love while you’re being intimate with one another can be a wonderful thing if you’re both into it. If one partner is a bit shy or inexperienced, they might blush or feel overwhelmed by that and look away or just keep their eyes closed. It always seemed odd in movies if someone kisses with their eyes open, since your faces are so close together. That is one time eye contact is a bit weird. They’re so close, they’re distorted and blurry, especially if you normally wear glasses.

On the phone during phone sex, it’s often best if you don’t need to worry about that at all. You usually would be horrified if you could see some of the callers, though some send pics and look fairly normal, others are anything but. So mystery can go a long way and no worries of laughing or putting anyone off. Sometimes laughter can overcome us at an inappropriate moment and nothing would ruin a moment more than if you burst out laughing if you had eye contact and weren’t ready for it. Just ask if you’re unsure if they enjoy it.

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In the Bed of a Truck

Recently I visited my boyfriend’s parents with him for the weekend and they put us in separate bedrooms. They are strict and I didn’t want to chance anything. So my boyfriend texted me in the middle of the night and said he was horny, let’s meet outside. I thought maybe he had the backyard in mind, but it turned into a bit more public than that. Now we were wearing clothes, and the nearest neighbors were out of town, but I felt a bit self conscious going into the back of his truck. I wondered how his parents would feel about what we were doing in the driveway, should they find out.

Oh well. I didn’t care if they kicked us out, I didn’t like them much anyway, and we could always go to a hotel until we drove back in the morning. It wasn’t that comfortable, and I knew this wasn’t going to be some long, drawn out love making session, but we got it on in the back of his truck. I was worried about the squeaking sounds, or the car rolling out into the middle of the street, but nothing like that happened. We had a quickie in the driveway, hopefully not seen by anyone.

The next day as we were getting ready to leave his mom gave me a bit of a stern look, but I didn’t think anything of it. On the ride back my boyfriend laughed and said his mom mentioned to him she’d seen us out the window when she got up to go to the bathroom and looked out the window. She told him I’d corrupted him. If only she knew. I guess she thought he was just a choir boy until he met me. Oh well, guess I won’t be going back for any more visits!

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He Spanked Me

My boyfriend watched a spanking porn movie recently and asked me how I felt about trying it. I didn’t really have any experience with spanking, but wasn’t against it. I suppose if I’d been brutally spanked growing up I’d have had no interest in revisiting an unpleasant experience, but that wasn’t the case, so I was open to experimenting with it. Several days later I’d been too busy to pick up his dry cleaning. He was going away on a business trip and had wanted this particular suit for the trip. I’d forgotten, simple as that.

I told him he had several other suits he could wear instead, which was true, but he wanted that one. The one I forgot to pick up. There wasn’t time now before he left to get it. He grabbed me and pulled me down over across his lap and started to spank me. I was so shocked at this happening, I was speechless. I got several swift smacks to the buttocks before I was stood back upright. He said I’d been bad, and this spanking was my punishment. It was all so fast and unexpected. Yet, I didn’t dislike it, I wasn’t angry at him.

A few nights later in bed we were fucking doggy position and I got a hand smack across my rump and I squealed a bit. Maybe this spanking was going to be fun. He would do things like this out of the blue, a wallop here, a smack there. It was playful and fun, but did sting a bit, but I didn’t mind, he wasn’t too hard. I didn’t think I’d be discussing this with my girlfriends, but it was something a bit kinky just between the two of us. I think having little secrets like this can keep things interesting between a couple.

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