Some callers call for advice, rather than just hot talk to get off to. One caller was mentioning a situation with his wife. She went to a bachelorette party and slept with a stripper when she was drunk. She felt horribly guilty about it and came home crying about it begging his forgiveness. While he wasn’t happy about it, he said he understood and they should put it behind them, but he can’t. He said she feels so guilty, she can’t stop crying about it. He told her it’s ok, things happen, but she won’t stop.
I suggested maybe a weekend away to get her mind off of it, but he called back the next day and said she didn’t seem excited about the idea. I said ask her if it would make her feel any better if he slept with someone else so it made it even. Apparently that made her cry even harder and she said no, of course not. I said just to give it time, let life go on as normal, hopefully she can come to terms with it and put it behind them. He’s worried she won’t be able to do that.
Some people do foolish things, regret them, then can’t let the incident go. Who knows what will happen. He said he’d call in a few weeks and let me know how things are going along. It’s pretty decent of him to forgive and forget such a stupid action in the first place. People call for advice, or to confess things that have happened. They often have no one else they can tell such things to, so they seek out phone sex operators as some kind of counselors at times. It’s odd, but it happens a lot more frequently than one would think it would.