So a guy calls up and says he wants to be humiliated. Normally the first thought if course is small penis humiliation, but he was stuttering so bad he sounded like Porky Pig, so how could I let that go, I couldn’t. I started to imitate him and he actually seemed to like it. I told him no one would take him seriously until he got this fixed. That it would affect his ability to get a job, and no woman would surely want him unless she was deaf. I can’t imagine anyone wanting someone that had this impediment.
I could feel my blood pressure going up as I listened to him, I simply cannot abide listening to someone with talking issues, drives me nuts when talking and voice is so important to me. The poor bastard, I told him first thing Monday morning he was to be looking online for a speech therapist and get the Dale Carnegie book How to Win Friends and Influence People, since he had zero confidence. He was a mess. How he had ended calling a phone sex line in the first place amazes me, he said he wasn’t calling to jerk off, and did I give him humiliation. I said I’m sorry if I sound like a bitch, but I was trying to help him. He said he liked it.
Humiliation takes many different avenues for different people. So many deeply need to be degraded and made fun of and it comes so naturally to me. Grinding others into the dirt and actually getting paid for it, who knew this was a viable career option! Suits me fine, so any other losers that have problems, I hope they find their way to me too, since I love making fun of them. Granted, most calling don’t want to made fun of though Lord knows it’s hard not to when I hear the nonsense that I do!