Liberal Humiliation

One type of caller I’ve been getting more and more recently is Liberal men wanting to be humiliated for being weak, beta males. As a very conservative woman, these types of calls are very humorous for me. They know they are weak and should be made to serve the alpha males that are real men, conservatives. They often want to be made to suck their cocks and bow down to them. I have on my page I am a right wing conservative and it attracts them and they know they’ve finally found a real woman that can berate them for the worms that they are.

Some will cry about them not being a real man, that they are pussy whipped losers that have bought into all the propaganda. It’s quite comical really. They whimper and sob about no decent women wanting them, only blue haired feminists that control them like puppets on a string and that call all the shots in their relationships. Oh well, that’s what you went after, what exactly do you expect? Raised in fatherless homes by exasperated single mothers that didn’t have time to teach them how to be a real man, it’s really no surprise this is the end result for them.

A Liberal male, that marches for ridiculous and even harmful causes, ones that don’t know how to provide, ones that are dangerously out of shape, making a poor living in many cases. What woman of value would want them? Not many, they have little to offer, so they sit at home tugging on their inadequate dicks, watching porn in their mom’s basement lamenting that no woman wants them. It’s laughably pathetic. Humiliating these losers is so easy, it’s like taking candy from a baby. Do up your man bun, plan on that next tattoo, plan your next march for your worthless cause. The real men will be out at the gym, having their choice of females, and planning their next business acquisition.

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