What could be more perfect for Halloween than delving into the fetish or experience of spectraphilia. Sex with ghosts. There have literally been thousands of cases of such activity, some unwanted “ghostly rape” cases, which would be nightmarish, to cases of very wanted encounters. How do we know these are true or untrue? We don’t. Strange things do indeed go on in this world.
Now let’s assume it can happen, having a ghostly boyfriend or girlfriend could have its advantages. They wouldn’t leave a mess around, wouldn’t take up much of your space, wouldn’t always be out with their buddies when you wanted some love and attention, likely wouldn’t make much noise, I can really see some advantages here! Some people have reported carrying on for years with ghostly lovers. There actually was a series I learned about this where people that claim to have been in such ghostly intimate relationships were interviewed, called “Ghostly Lovers”.
So this isn’t just a few people claiming this, there’s a lot, thousands from many countries. I haven’t seen the series, so can’t say whether the ghosts they are claiming to have had relations with are of their dearly departed partners, or otherwise strangers to them. No chance of getting a disease from them or getting pregnant, the more I contemplate this, the better a situation it sounds like, I need a ghost lover! Ancient folklore in many different cultures around the world have mention of spectraphilia for thousands of years, so this is no new age claim.