One Man’s Trash is Another Man’s Treasure

I’m writing this post here, since it’s just a week after the mannequin post, and this one is related to it. The man that own the mannequin had a unique gift given to him this week. Well I don’t know if you’d consider a bag of garbage a gift, but he told me how he was taking his garbage out and there was a bag on top of it that wasn’t his, and he opened it to see what was inside. Now I don’t know how many people would open a strange bag of garbage, but regardless. So he struck gold, since when he opened it, there were twenty three pairs of women’s panties in the bag. Some with the tags still on them, unused.

He’d told his neighbors if they had any garbage over their limit, they could use his cans, since he never has a lot, so he’s convinced one of the neighbors tossed it in there. So he brought the bag inside and sorted through the panties. He said he put the ones he didn’t like back out with the trash, and kept some to dress his mannequin in, and kept some to jerk off into. He sure didn’t let them go to waste! He said if only the neighbor had known he was into panties, they just could have left the bag right in front of his door rather than toss them in the garbage.

He has no idea how to find out which neighbor would have tossed them in or why. I guess he can just fantasize about all of the possibilities on a rotating basis as he jerks off into the panties pair by pair. He normally buys panties, this find has been a real bonanza for him. One man’s trash, or in this case a woman’s, is truly another man’s treasure.

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