His First Masturbation Experience

Many not involved in the phone sex world will ask what a typical call is like. There’s not really a “typical” call, they are all different in their own way, though many are similar, or similar types of calls. One just called claiming he’d never called before, so he “wanted to see what it was like.” Fair enough, we all try something new sometimes. However he was an idiot, and told I him so, but he liked me anyway and stayed on. I asked how big his cock was, a typical question you know you’ll usually get a totally fake answer to, and he says “really big.” I said what’s ‘really big?’ He says five inches, I laugh and say that’s smaller than average. So then he says, no it’s really big, he didn’t mean five inches, he meant ten inches, lol.

Then I asked him how long since he last masturbated? Never. He’s never done it before. Not once in his entire life. I laughed again and called him a liar, and he laughs and said no really, it’s the truth, he’s just always been lucky, he’s always had someone to rub it for him, so the idea never occurred to him. Isn’t that wonderful he’s always had someone his entire life that could service him? If only we all were that lucky!

I said so did mom rub it when you were young and horny for the first time? No, of course not, he said. I said well then, congratulations, I am happy to be the one to initiate you into masturbation after an entire lifetime of never once trying it. It was the most ridiculous conversation you could imagine, which in this business isn’t easy. There’s plenty of absurd conversations on a daily basis. Incredible he got the hang of it so quickly and was able to experience his very first masturbation induced climax!

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