Raise Your Arms!

Some callers call so many different women at so many different companies, they cannot keep them straight. Many of them have no clue they’ve talked to us before, and we remember them, especially if they are weird. One such caller made his way back around to me a few nights ago. It wasn’t his voice I recalled, but his question: What do you smell like? As soon as he said it, I asked for his first name and I’d remembered it and expected there was a ninety nine percent chance he’d give me the name I recalled, and he didn’t let me down. It was him.

Not all guys into smells are into underarms, but this one was a definite fan of them. He wanted to taste, he wanted to smell, for a moment I wondered if he might be blind. Since ones into smells often can be compensating for a lost sense of something else, but no mention of blindness, just a very curious nose and tongue. Also a different username than he’d been using on another site. If only they knew how distinctive they can be with their catch phrases! He was talking about not only licking underarms, but breasts, skin all over the body. Each nook and cranny with its own distinct smells to discover.

Most of the call was about licking skin and smelling various body parts. He was pretty demanding all around, people like what they like. One caller loves the cheesy, dirty foot smells. His words exactly. Cheesy feet, unwashed, toe jam, yummy, yummy to him. Harmless, but gross to most people. I guess if smells is the worst thing you’re into you’re not too much of a pervert, but not all women are going to be willing to indulge you in real life to smell them and lick them.

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