Makeup Fetish

Now lots of guys go for the fresh scrubbed plain Jane look, but some appreciate the glamorous look of well applied makeup and have a full blown makeup fetish. Many seem especially to love the application of lipstick, the lining of the lips, the filling in with lipstick, blotting the lip on a tissue, application of a gloss, it really gets some going tremendously. Some like the idea of that perfectly made up face become all mussed up from messy sex, or even giving that broad a facial with their cum squirting all over her, or smearing that artfully applied lipstick all over their cock.

There was a joke years ago about a guy that went to his doctor because he had a red ring around his cock and he couldn’t get it off no matter what and the doctor asked if he’d tried lipstick remover…ba dum bump…Makeup Is a wonderful thing and most ladies certainly do look a lot better with some on, all appearances can be approved upon, and one caller even loved to jerk off to women’s makeup tutorials, just watching the ladies makeup their faces was enough to get him going.

He also enjoyed jerking off sitting on the toilet as he watched his girlfriend apply her makeup in the bathroom mirror. It’s a funny thing to be aroused by, but it’s certainly harmless enough and not perverted, like so many other things guys reveal they are turned on by. Then there’s the guys that are so into makeup they like to apply it to themselves, but that’s a whole other story.

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