Pussies That Bite


One of the oldest myths around is the vagina with teeth. The folk tale was made to discourage rape and make people stay away from unknown women, this was centuries before available and certain birth control, and to instill fear was a way to prevent young men from screwing around if they bought into the myth. In today’s world such a myth seems beyond absurd, but superstitions and false beliefs were common place and ones would buy into them in some cases.

Many cultures worldwide had the toothed vagina myth, so it wasn’t only specific to one culture in the world, it was widespread. Now it’s the fodder for silly horror movies that you watch for a laugh. It’s amusing more so for the women, as a toothed vagina would protect them against rape, it seems funny and poetic justice for a man forcing himself on a woman to get his dick chomped off by her pussy when the fangs come out, not so funny for the man, but if he’s forcing himself on a woman, he should have his willy bitten off!

The fact that the female genitals have lips and resemble the lips to some extent on your mouth, and of course their teeth behind those lips, it’s not so far fetched that some story teller back in the day came up with such a tale to dissuade young men, or any men, from being with a woman that wasn’t his wife. So have any pussy’s actually grown teeth? Not likely, so save the myth for the horror movies.

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